Our Story

In 2023, LuCE celebrated its 10-year anniversary and we developed this short video showcasing some to the accomplishments and highlights along the way. 

LuCE 10th Anniversary Timeline


Within the first year, the organization held its first Annual General Meeting in Geneva, showcasing its commitment to collaboration and engagement with its growing membership.

The subsequent years witnessed several significant milestones, including the publishing of impactful reports on lung cancer burdens, diagnosis, care disparities, and clinical trials. These publications aimed to enlighten stakeholders and advocate for the rights and needs of lung cancer patients.

In the face of global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, LuCE demonstrated resilience and adaptability. The organization underwent crucial board elections, ensuring leadership that prioritized the well-being of patients during challenging times.

Expanding its representation to over 23 European countries by its 10th anniversary, LuCE has grown significantly in size and influence. With 40 members—both full and associate—the organization’s strength lies in its diverse network.

Over the decade, LuCE has not just been about numbers or publications. It’s about the lives touched, the policies influenced, and the collective voice that echoed the concerns and hopes of lung cancer patients across Europe.

Today, as LuCE enters its next chapter, it continues to champion the cause of lung cancer patients, armed with an enriched project portfolio and an ever-growing, passionate community.


  • LuCE is founded in Amsterdam on September 27, with the initial 10 founding members.
  • LuCE holds its first Annual General Meeting in Geneva.
  • LuCE publishes its first position statement on “The burden of lung cancer in Europe.”
  • The organization grows to 12 full members and 5 associate members.
  • A new board comprising Stefania Vallone, Ewelina Szmytke, Regine Deniel Ihlen, Tommy Björk, and Christian Smitt-Plank is elected.
  • LuCE releases its 1st Report titled “Challenges in lung cancer in Europe.
  • The 2017 Annual General Meeting takes place in Frankfurt.
  • LuCE unveils its new website and social media channels to highlight its activities.
  • The 2nd LuCE Report on “Disparities in diagnosis, care, and treatment access” is released in November.
  • The organization now includes 11 full members, 12 associate members, representing a total of 19 European countries.
  • The 3rd LuCE Report on “Challenges in Clinical Trials” is presented at the European Parliament.
  • Anne-Marie Baird joins the Executive Board.
  • Alfonso Aguarón becomes part of the Executive Team as Project Manager.
  • The organization expands to 11 full members and 14 associate members.
  • The 4th LuCE Report on “Early diagnosis and screening challenges in lung cancer” is published.
  • Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, LuCE holds a new Board Election.
  • Anne-Marie Baird becomes the new President and Lavinia Magee joins the Board.
  • Membership includes 14 full and 16 associate members.
  • Two publications are unveiled: the 5th LuCE Report on “Psychological and social impact of lung cancer” and a position paper on “Disparities and challenges in access to lung cancer treatment and biomarker testing across Europe.”
  • LuCE’s representation extends to 22 European countries with 19 full and 16 associate members.
  • In November, coinciding with Lung Cancer Awareness Month, the “Get Checked!” awareness campaign is initiated.
  • The report titled “Experiences and quality of life of people impacted by lung cancer in Europe” is also released.
  • Marjo Forsblom and Korina Pateli-Bell join the Exective Board.
  • Maeve O’Sullivan becomes the Executive Officer in the Executive Team.
  • LuCE undertakes a significant strategy review to reinforce its accountability, governance, and long-term stability.
  • Membership counts 22 full and 14 associate members.
  • The 7th Report, “Challenges in the care pathway and preferences of people with lung cancer in Europe,” is released.
  • Tammy Cruickshank joins the Executive Team board as a Senior Project Manager.
  • The “Get Diagnosed!” public awareness campaign launches in November.
  • Celebrating its 10th-anniversary, LuCE comprises 40 members in total: 25 full and 15 associate members from 23 European countries.
  • New initiatives like the Atlas of Access to Lung Cancer Treatment and Biomarker Testing, the 8th Report, and the Capacity Building Programme enrich the project portfolio for the year.
  • Catriona Grant (responsible for the Atlas), and Tihany Carrillo (Administrative Assistant) join the Executive Team.
  • Elections are held, and the Board consists of: Anne-Marie Baird, President; Ewelina Szmytke, Vice-president; Marjo Forsblom, Treasurer; and Lavinia Magee, Erika Pataki, Annette Hans, and Debra Montague as Board Members.