Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board was established to provide the LuCE Executive Board and Team with expert advice on different aspects of lung cancer. It is composed of health professionals with a special interest in lung cancer and key opinion leaders from across the European lung cancer community. Members may come from the various medical specialties of oncology, radiation oncology, psychosocial oncology, physiotherapy, nursing, the social sciences and other appropriate medical or research specialities.

Our Scientific Advisory Board advises and provides insights and recommendations in support of our advocacy and educational activities.

Prof. Tanja Cufer, MD, PhD

Professor of Oncology at the Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana |


Prof. Urania Dafni, ScD

Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Athens, and Director of Frontier Science Foundation, Hellas |


Assoc. Prof. Simon Ekman, MD, PhD

Senior Consultant and Associate Professor in Oncology at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm |


Assoc. Prof. Stephen Finn, MB BAO BCh BMedSc PhD FRCPath

Associate Professor, Consultant Pathologist and Principal Investigator at The University of Dublin, Trinity College and at St. James’s Hospital Dublin |


Maria Vittoria Pacchiana

Psychotherapist and Psycho-oncologist at San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, Orbassano-Turin |


Prof. Sanjay Popat

Medical Oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London |

United Kingdom