Maeve O’Sullivan

Executive Officer | Ireland

Maeve commenced the role of Executive Officer at Lung Cancer Europe in 2021, bringing with her over 20 years of diverse experience in healthcare leadership and patient advocacy roles. Her extensive background allows her to provide valuable insights into the unmet needs of individuals navigating the lung cancer diagnostic, treatment, and care pathways.

In her capacity as Executive Officer, Maeve leads the team in steering LuCE’s growth and organizational development. Her goal is to position LuCE as the foremost lung cancer advocacy authority in Europe, ensuring the realization of its mission and objectives.

Leveraging her past experience as a clinical nurse specialist, Maeve is committed to amplifying the patient voice through advocacy training and development for individuals and their families affected by lung cancer.

She emphasizes the importance of patient empowerment and the acquisition of necessary skills for individuals to advocate for themselves, influence policy decisions, and drive essential changes within the landscape of lung cancer care, support services, and research. Maeve’s commitment is firmly rooted in the overarching goal of improving outcomes for communities affected by this disease.

She speaks English (Native).