Lavinia Magee

Board Member | United Kingdom

Lavinia is a Nurse Consultant in Thoracic Oncology, based at Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, UK. She has been involved in the care of lung cancer patients since 1997, initially appointed as a Research Nurse. 

She has been a committee member of Lung Cancer Nursing UK (LCNUK) for 10 years.  Representing LCNUK at LuCE, she was elected to the Executive Board in May 2020 and represents the European Society of Radiology. 

She chairs the LuCE Educational and Capacity Building Programme. She is also a member of the United Kingdom Lung Cancer Coalition (UKLCC) Clinical Advisory Group.

Lavinia holds a MSc (Clinical Oncology) and runs nurse-led follow-up clinics.

She is originally from Northern Ireland, and speaks English (Native), and French (Basic).