Annette Hans

Board Member | Germany

Annette Hans was a founding member of LuCE in 2013, and was elected to the Executive Board in 2023.

She is involved in the Get Checked, LuCE Report, and Atlas Project working groups.

Annette has also been chairwoman and founding member of the Baden-Württemberg State Association for Lung Cancer Patients and their Relatives since 2011 and a founding member of the Federal Association – Self-Help – Lung Cancer e.V. since 2013, and also a board member since March 2023.

Annette was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2005 and has been the leader of a regional self-help group since 2009, and has been volunteering for those affected by lung cancer ever since. In 2021 she was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

She speaks German (Native), English, and French.