Treatment and Access Atlas

LuCE has several projects that it works on each year in working groups. One of these is the Lung Cancer Europe Treatment and Access Atlas. Our members volunteer to be part of the working group for this and they contribute their expertise, perspective, and ideas to shape and drive this project to advance lung cancer awareness, research, and patient support across Europe.

Board Chair

Ewelina Szmytke

Project Manager

Catriona Grant (Lead) and Alfonso Aguarón (​​​​​​​Support)

Working Group Members

Belen Gimeno, Leslie Manot, Diego Villalón, Debra Montague, Merel Hennink, Nicoline Ehrhardt, Annette Hans, and Suzanne Magro


The LuCE Atlas of Access to Lung Cancer Treatment and Biomarker Testing is an interactive map of access to treatment and medicines approved by EMA, and other approval authorities for specific Lung Cancer indications as well as providing information on diagnostics/biomarker testing availability based on the ESMO Scale for Clinical Actionability of Molecular Targets (ESCAT) guidelines in countries across Europe.

The focus will be in Europe and initially in countries where LuCE has an active member. The online tool will be scalable to allow for expansion of the data and information included, e.g., access to screening programmes, clinical trials, etc.

The LuCE Access to Treatment Atlas will prove an invaluable information tool for all stakeholders in the European lung cancer community. It is a LuCE initiative for all its member associations and is carried out in collaboration with selected external partners.

The Atlas aims to provide a freely accessible interactive web-based information tool (creation of a back-end database and a public website), with robust data collected from various sources including Pharma/Industry and Project Partners. Data will be actively reviewed and updated bi-annually to ensure an elevated level of quality and assurance.


The goal of this site is to provide a map with approved medicines for treatment as well as biomarker testing/diagnostics in centres across Europe.


The LuCE Access to Treatment Atlas will be an invaluable information tool for all stakeholders in the European lung cancer community. It is an initiative for LuCE member organizations and is carried out in collaboration with selected external partners including EFPIA, ERS and ESMO.

The Atlas will map access to treatment of lung cancer across Europe. Treatment includes approved medicines for treatment as well as biomarker testing/diagnostics in centres across Europe. Through the mapping of access to treatments, LuCE aims to identify and highlight barriers to access to treatment in Europe and by so doing, support in drafting strategies to address and overcome those barriers at country level.

The project scope is multi-year and our advocacy tool will be scalable to include further relevant indicators that impact on the level of access to lung cancer care in Europe such as access to screening programmes, clinical trials, etc.

The Atlas will be an open access interactive online web-based information tool.

Target Audience

All stakeholders in the European lung cancer community.

Language(s) Available
