Policy Positions

As the voice for those living with lung cancer in Europe and their loved ones, we are constantly aware of the many hurdles that impact the everyday lives of those living with lung cancer. We know these challenges go beyond just medical care, affecting their well-being and access to support.

To shine a light on these issues, we’ve put together a clear, easy-to-understand strategy below. But this strategy is more than just a guide – it’s our promise to those we represent, a plan for positive change, and a call for unity. We believe that by working together, we can change the face of lung cancer care and make a real difference for those living with lung cancer.

Early detection of lung cancer can dramatically improve survival rates. We believe everyone at high risk should have access to regular screening with low-dose CT scans, regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic status.

Key Points:

  • Importance of early detection in improving survival rates.
  • Access disparity across regions in Europe.
  • Need for increased public awareness about screening.


Biomarker testing helps tailor treatment to the individual patient, improving effectiveness and reducing side effects. It is crucial that all lung cancer patients have equal access to these important diagnostic tools.

Key Points:

  • Role of biomarker testing in personalized medicine.
  • Need for access regardless of location or socioeconomic status.
  • Awareness of the benefits of biomarker testing.


As a patient advocacy organization, we champion the right of lung cancer patients to access the most innovative and effective therapies. These treatments offer improved survival and quality of life, and should not be out of reach due to financial or geographical barriers.

Key Points:

  • mportance of access to innovative therapies like targeted therapies and immunotherapies.
  • Addressing disparities in access to these treatments.
  • Pushing for coverage of these treatments in all health care plans.


Every lung cancer patient deserves access to high-quality, multidisciplinary care. We strive to bridge the gap in care access across Europe, ensuring that geographical location or financial status do not hinder patient outcomes.

Key Points:

  • Need for a multi-disciplinary team in lung cancer treatment.
  • Addressing disparities in access to high-quality care.
  • Importance of care coordination and patient navigation.


Clinical trials are the lifeblood of new, potentially life-saving treatments for lung cancer. We support initiatives that facilitate patient participation, ensure patient safety, and promote equal access to clinical trials.

Key Points:

  • The role of clinical trials in advancing lung cancer treatments.
  • The need for patient awareness of, and access to, clinical trials.
  • The importance of patient rights and safety in clinical trials.


While smoking is a significant risk factor for lung cancer, it is not the only one. We advocate for increased awareness and research into other factors like radon exposure, air pollution, and occupational hazards to enhance prevention and early detection.

Key Points:

  • Awareness of various risk factors besides smoking.
  • Need for research into other risk factors.
  • Advocacy for regulations that mitigate these risk factors.


The policies set forth by the European Union can have a profound impact on lung cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. We aim to be a proactive voice in shaping these policies for the benefit of lung cancer patients.

Key Points:

  • Impact of EU policies on lung cancer patients.
  • Advocacy for more inclusive, patient-centric policies.
  • Collaboration with EU policymakers to improve the cancer care landscape.


The financial burden of lung cancer treatment should not compound the physical and emotional toll on patients and their families. We advocate for comprehensive coverage, fair pricing, and support for patients in managing the financial implications of their care.

Key Points:

  • Impact of lung cancer on patients’ financial health.
  • Importance of fair pricing and comprehensive insurance coverage.
  • The need for financial counselling and support for patients.


Caregivers are the unsung heroes in a patient’s lung cancer journey. We advocate for comprehensive support resources, recognition, and policies that address the physical, emotional, and financial burden borne by caregivers.

Key Points:

  • Importance of caregiver roles in patient care.
  • Need for caregiver support, both psychological and physical.
  • Importance of policies that address caregiver needs.


Clear, compassionate communication and comprehensive education can empower lung cancer patients to actively participate in their care. We promote initiatives that improve patient literacy and enhance the patient-doctor relationship.

Key Points:

  • Importance of patient education for treatment decisions.
  • Need for effective doctor-patient communication.
  • Advocacy for patient-friendly resources and information.


Survivorship is about more than just living; it’s about living well. We advocate for comprehensive survivorship care that addresses the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of life after lung cancer treatment.

Key Points:

  • Importance of survivorship care planning.
  • Addressing long-term and late effects of treatment.
  • Enhancing quality of life post-treatment.


Adequate funding for lung cancer research is vital for advancing prevention, improving treatments, and ultimately, saving lives. We advocate for fair allocation of cancer research funds to help bring us closer to a cure.

Key Points:

  • Importance of research in improving lung cancer outcomes.
  • Need for increased and fair funding for lung cancer research.
  • The potential of research in developing new treatments and understanding lung cancer biology better.


Lung cancer should not be a blame game. We stand against the stigma often associated with lung cancer due to its link with smoking, which can deter patients from seeking help, affect the care they receive, and impact research funding.

Key Points:

  • Understanding and addressing the stigma associated with lung cancer.
  • Impact of stigma on patient care, research funding, and public perception.
  • Advocacy for fair treatment and perception of all lung cancer patients.


Every individual deserves dignity and comfort in their final days. We champion compassionate and comprehensive end-of-life care for patients with advanced lung cancer, ensuring their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

Key Points:

  • Importance of early integration of palliative care in lung cancer treatment.
  • Need for comprehensive end-of-life care planning.
  • Advocacy for patient rights and preferences in end-of-life care decisions.