What We Do

Policy and Research

Treatment and Access Atlas

Explore the details of our Lung Cancer Europe Treatment and Access Atlas project and website.

Policy Positions

Gain insights into policy items such as lung cancer screening, access to biomarker testing, innovative therapies, access to quality care, clinical trials, and more.

Reports and Position Papers

View our reports and position papers from 2016 to 2023 that cover financial impact, care pathway challenges, quality of life, psychological impacts, early diagnosis, clinical trial hurdles, diagnosis and treatment disparities.

Horizon Europe

Discover how we are an integral partner in pioneering European projects under the EU Horizon Programme and the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), such as GUIDE.MRD, I3Lung, IDERHA, and INSPIRE.

Innovative Health Initiative

Get more details about the additional websites we have developed for specific needs, such as Get Checked, Atlas, and the Members Site.

Education and Awareness


View past webinars and dialogues on hot topics that are on the interest of the lung cancer advocacy community.


Find out the public awareness campaigns prepared by us and our members, such as the ‘Get Tested!’ Campaign, ‘Get Diagnosed!’ Campaign, and ‘Get Checked!’ Campaign, with a combined reach of 11 million so far.

Advocacy Resources

View innovative advocacy resources such as brochures and factsheets.



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Social Media

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