World Conference on Lung Cancer 2023 – LuCE participation

LuCE will be actively participating in the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) 2023 World Conference on Lung Cancer #WCLC23 to be held in Singapore from 9-12 September 2023.

Our dedicated Board members and patient advocates Anne-Marie Baird, Ewelina Szmytke, Stefania Vallone, and Merel Hennink will be chairing different sessions and presenting interesting views on behalf of the lung cancer patient advocacy community.

We are delighted to share with you that we will be presenting data from our 7th LuCE Report, chairing several sessions, sharing valuable insights on different discussions about access to lung cancer care, multidisciplinary management of thoracic cancers, and patient advocacy initiatives run by our members.

Keep an eye on our updates as we bring you more from this empowering conference.