Workshop on “Knowledge on Artificial Intelligence applied to treatments decision-making”

As a member of the Horizon I3Lung project, Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) will hold a workshop to explore the knowledge and trust on Artificial Intelligence (AI) of people impacted by lung cancer across Europe. Deadline to apply is June 15th, 2023.

When and where will the workshop take place?

The workshop will take place in Barcelona, Spain, on 30th June 2023 from 9.30 to 13.00 CET.

What is expected from my participation?

To participate in the workshop, it is required:

  • It is required to be a lung cancer patient or caregiver.
  • Fluent in English to participate in the discussions during the workshop.
  • Commitment to attend an online pre-briefing meeting and fill in a questionnaire to understand the background knowledge in AI applied to healthcare (knowledge on the topic is not required) with a total dedication of approximately 90 minutes.
  • Availability to travel on 29th June to Barcelona, as the meeting will start early in the morning of 30th June
  • Patient advocates with any kind of professional background. However, healthcare professionals who are actively practicing their medical profession (e.g. as an oncologist or nurse in a clinic) are not eligible to apply for this programme.

Will I be compensated for my participation in the workshop?

You or your organisation will be compensated for your participation with a fee of 450 EUROS. Travel and accommodation for one night in Barcelona will be covered by LuCE.¡

I am not able to travel. May I join the workshop online?

Attendance in person is preferred, as it will ease the interaction during the workshop. However, if for some health issues, you will prefer to attend online, we will do our best to accommodate you in the workshop so you can access online.

I am interested in participating. How can I apply?

To apply, please fill in the Call for Expression of Interest Form.

Deadline to apply is Thursday June 15th, 2023.

I want to know more on I3Lung. Where can I find more information?

More information on the Horizon I3Lung project can be found at

What is the agenda for the workshop?

Date: 30 June 2023

Venue: Torre Glòries, Barcelona, Spain

9.30 – 9.35 – Attendees’ arrival

9.35 – 9.45 – Welcome and introduction to I3Lung

Arsela Prelaj, Medical Oncologist and PhD student in Bioengineering and Artificial Intelligence, IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Foundation, Milan, Italy and Universita’ Politecnico of Milan.

9.45 – 10.00 – Overview of Metastatic Lung Cancer treatment and how the I3LUNG project can help in improving current standard and patients’ quality of life

Helena Linardou MD PhD, Director, 4th Oncology Dept & Comprehensive Clinical Trials Center at Metropolitan Hospital, Greece.

10.00 – 10.15 – What are AI/ML and how can we use them in CT. The I3LUNG case

Marcello Restelli, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at DEIB – Dept. of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano.

10.15 – 10.30 – Break

10.30 – 10.45 – Icebreak: Patients’ Presentation

10.45 – 11.00 – Psychological Support in Lung Cancer Patients Journey

Dr. Valeria Sebri, Applied Research Unit of Health, Cognitive and Psychological science, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (IEO).

11.00 – 11.20 – How patients’ needs and preferences in quality of life are implemented in Clinical Trial designs

Giulia Raimondi, Strategic Research Business Development Manager at Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MEDSIR).

Alfonso Aguarón, Policy Officer, Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE).

11.20 – 11.30 – Break

11.30 – 12.30 – Workshop on AI/ML application on treatment decision-making

Facilitated by Alfonso Aguarón and Celia Marín, Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE).

12.30 – 12.45 – Wrap up and workshop ending

A finger food with the I3Lung partners will be held from 13.00 to 14.00 and you are very welcome to join and meet the partners in the project.