Members Meeting 2023 in Lisbon: Where ideas were generated!

Friday, 29th &  Saturday, 30th September in Lisbon

The members of LuCE came together for a highly productive and interactive Members Meeting in Lisbon on Friday & Saturday. As ever, the meeting was a great opportunity to reconnect, exchange ideas, and contribute to shaping the future of our organization.

Kathy Redmond organized a World Café with an aim to find solutions to big organisational questions by tapping into the knowledge of LuCE members and uncovering the collective wisdom from participants experiences, ideas, then connecting these diverse perspectives.  Participants joined different tables to discuss key strategic topics and common themes that affect all organizations working in the area of lung cancer advocacy. As our 25 participants moved from table to table, we tapped into the great wisdom and experience in the room and our Table Hosts summarised the challenges of each issue and the many inspiring ideas that surfaced to tackle them. 

The LuCE Team also presented short updates on current projects including the ‘Get Tested!’ 2023 public awareness campaign, LuCE Reports, the Access to Treatment Atlas and our Education & Capacity building programmes. After each recap, attendees were tasked with brainstorming around how these can be developed further in 2024, and how best to implement or integrate them into activities and initiatives already being run by members in their home countries and regions. Some incredibly interesting ideas came out from those breakout sessions.

Members were invited to present their Best Advocacy Initiative as we appreciate the power of sharing best practices and learning from each other’s experience. Congratulations to Athena Women Against Cancer  from Ukraine that won the Best Initiative Award, among the eleven that presented their projects.

All in all, it was a fantastic two-day event with 25 inspiring participants and lots of lively discussions together with great ideas shared. The Executive Team will draft a report of the outcomes to be shared with members and will get to work to convert the ideas presented into concrete plans for 2024.