The aim of this meeting is to educate and build capacity of our member organisations in a number of levels and help them increase their skills so they can act in a more efficient way at national level.

LuCE plans to hold its Annual General Meeting and General Assembly in Geneva on April 13-14 coinciding with the celebration of the European Lung Cancer Congress. The meeting will cover the General Assembly, for half a day, and a full day Masterclass that will cover the topics below:

  • Implementation and use of the LuCE Report on challenges in clinical trials
  • Understanding scientific publications
  • Collaborating in lung cancer patient registries
  • Engaging with media and journalists
  • Understanding biosimilars: what they are and what is the impact in the lung cancer community

Top-notch speakers, using proper dynamics so the attendees will be able to take the most out of them, will carry out the sessions. There will also be a slot with industry and collaborators, so we can explore and seek together better ways to collaborate in the near future.

The full agenda for the meeting can be accessed through this link.