Lung Cancer Europe (LuCE) marked the World Cancer Day by launching the European Call to Action Campaign. The call highlights the existing disparities in access the treatment and healthcare services for lung cancer patients and the actions to tackle them.

LuCE represents lung cancer patients and caregivers, no matter the place they live, and we advocate for the best support as possible for all of them. But, as the last LuCE report evidences, disparities in diagnosis, treatment and care access exist between different European countries, so we need solutions. We encourage our collaborators in the fields of policy, science, research and civil society to read this report and we call on them to work together. LuCE believes that building awareness of the disease and its devastating impact is vital to decreasing the heavy burden it has on individuals and societies around the world.

“We encourage our members ad affiliates to give a step forward, and try working together to get improvement in access to innovative therapies and healthcare services, ensuring sustainability of different health-care systems and tackle the burden of this disease, offering more equal conditions to thousands of individuals across Europe affected by lung cancer.  We therefore invited all interested stakeholders to support the following call to action”, Stefania Vallone, LuCE President.


  • Close the current gaps in access
  • Collection of systematic data
  • Collect patient data to identify unmet needs
  • Common guidelines to set standards of care
  • Financial sustainability of healthcare system
  • Patient involvement

Follow us on Twitter: @LungCancerEU and on Facebook and help us spread the word. We kindly ask you to use the suggested campaign themes and hashtags.

Campaign themes

The campaign themes are: @LungCancerEU, #call_to_action #reduce_disparities_in_lung_cancer.