20th of February is the last day for LuCE AGM registration. Past tomorrow, LuCE won’t be able to cover any cost of travel and reimbursement in case the registration is not received within the deadline.

The LuCE Annual Meeting will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from Saturday 13th of April to Sunday 14th of April, @Crowne Plaza Geneva

The Agenda (draft):

Friday, 12th April

19 30: Welcome dinner (for those that have arrived)

Saturday, 13th April

09:00 – 11 00 General Assembly

11:00 – 11 30 Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00 Meeting with industry and collaborators

13 00 -14 00 Lunch

14 00 – 15 30 Working with patient generated evidence / How to use the 3rd Luce Report

15 30 – 15 45 Afternoon break

15 45 – 17 00 How to read and produce scientific publications


19 30 Dinner

Sunday, 14th April

09:00 – 10:15 Bonnie Addario’s patient registry

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 11:15 Biosimilars and their impact in the current lung cancer landscape

11:15 – 12:00 Lung Awareness Cancer Month – How to engage with media and journalists

12:00 Farewell lunch and departures