Merel Hennink

Ambassador | Netherlands

Merel Hennink joined LuCE in 2017, as a representative of Longkanker Nederland. As a patient herself, she wanted to be a voice and a face of Lung Cancer Patients. First as a patient advocate on a national level, but because of the need of international collaboration, she became more active on a European level.
She is active in the working groups of LuCE, such as the annual report and the Atlas project. She also became a member of the GUIDE.MRD advisory board and the I3Lung patient group. She is active in advisory boards, webinars, presentations etc.
As a LuCE Ambassador, she takes part in the board of Cancer Patients Europe, and she is deputy chair of the Patient Advocates Committee of the IASLC.
On a national level, she is among other things active as a patient advocate in the Oncode Institute, a palliative care project, and an infrastructure project.
With her own foundation Stichting Merels Wereld, she drives a research program with the UMCG and the Hanze University of Applied Science. She is a Patient Expert for Medscape and EMA.

She studied Social Economic History with 2 years of International Relations in governance of International Organizations.

She speaks Dutch, English, and German.